% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Protrude
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Protrude - ορισμός

(protrudes, protruding, protruded)
If something protrudes from somewhere, it sticks out. (FORMAL)
...a huge round mass of smooth rock protruding from the water...
The tip of her tongue was protruding slightly.
VERB: V prep, V
...protruding ears.
·vt To thrust forward; to drive or force along.
II. Protrude ·vt To thrust out, as through a narrow orifice or from confinement; to cause to come forth.
III. Protrude ·vi To shoot out or forth; to be thrust forward; to extend beyond a limit; to Project.
v. (D; intr.) to protrude from
Παραδείγματα προφοράς για Protrude
1. But also, occasionally, it protrudes these little things
Spineless - Portraits of Marine Invertebrates _ Susan Middleton _ Talks at Google
2. to the summit of Mount Monroe, so the summit kind of protrudes
48 PEAKS, Mountain Hiking & Healing _ Cheryl Suchors _ Talks at Google
3. This is just the bit that protrudes into our physical dimension.
4. Yes, it is a frog with fangs -- or, more accurately, two spikes that protrude from its jaw.
A Song of Ice and New Species
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Protrude
1. Their bones protrude to make them appear deformed.
2. White–coated technicians bend over dismembered lavatories from which protrude a spaghetti of wires.
3. Small sticks covered with loose skin, they protrude pathetically from the canvas weighing basket.
4. He sits in a wheelchair, wearing a black cap from which blue wires protrude.
5. BMW M’s signature quad exhaust pipes protrude from the restyled rear valance.